I miss blogging. I miss taking the time to sit and think about what we've been up to, what I'm thinking about, and reflecting on this sweet life the Lord's given me. Life has been so busy. Work takes up most of my time, so when I'm not working I want to spend time with Chris. But I think the practice of being still and quiet enough to think up a summary of my past week, or to have a place to fully develop thoughts is important to fully embracing this life. Chris and I have been talking a lot about how fast time is going by- our time in Louisville is quickly coming to an end and it does not seem possible. So many good things come and go and I just want to capture a few more of those sweet moments so that I fully experience them.
So a snapshot in the life of Chris and Jenny now: I love my job! Just finished one study and am starting up another study. It's required lots of travel, lots of growth and independence but it has been the opportunity of a lifetime and I couldn't be more thankful. My bosses are about as cool as it gets. Both women who are both so intelligent, accurate, respected and experienced it's unreal. As high caliber-women they are, though, they are just as approachable and interested in growing me into a successful team member. Also my coworkers are awesome..... Needless to say work is stressful a lot of the time, but at the end of the day it's so fufilling and fun, I wouldn't change it for the world.
Chris is just dominating his fourth year. Even saying that makes me anxious/sad/in disbelief! Can it really be his 4th year?! He goes from being confident in his ability and feeling good to thinking there's no way he can be dentist almost daily. So do all his closest friends. They all are doing great and will be successful dentists. But these last few months with mock boards and boards are intense and are testing them.
Our weeks are filled to the brim with work/travel for me and school and studying for Chris. In the evenings we have CG, Pure Barre, dinners with friends. We covet the weekends... Saturday mornings with nothing to do is what I live for. I use the time to stay in bed, look at blogs or pinterest, or read. It's my heaven.
Another summary of this point in time is so many of our friends and even family are having babies! We had 2 births this month of people really close to us and just this week found out about 2 different friends of ours that are pregnant! What a praise and gift from the Lord! But I have to admit every time I hear of another pregnancy it makes me sad- we're growing up. We're at the age where our friends are having planned babies (sometimes their second!) and it's just crazy to me! I feel like we're all still 23. What are we doing having kids?! I have confidence the Lord will change my heart when we decide to start trying, but as of now it's baffling to me.... #confession.
As a praise my family is at such a good point. Both brothers are alive and well. Ross is more in love with the Lord than I thought possible. Morgan and Megan are doing great. Morgan and I got to bond a lot over Christmas break. Thankful for the time I had with her. Mom published her SECOND book! What a cool mom I have... Dad still is obsessed with being a dog surgeon. Chris's family is doing good as well- Eric and Ginny had their baby girl this month! We went down to Auburndale to meet Ms. Emory and fell in love. She could not have been born to better parents. Eric and Ginny are the creme de la creme.
Other looks into life right now: CG Life is good. Kind of strange because we're all going to move soon... But the Lord is faithful to grow us and encourage us through each other before he sends us all around the U.S. I'm reading the BEST BOOK. It's part of a trilogy by Ken Follett and I'm obsessed. I just want to read all of the time. We're planning our big trip to Europe for this summer!! It's so much fun to plan and I can't believe it's happening.
And lastly, the light of our lives, Annabelle. She's still owning it. We're in love.