I am SO bummed I'm just now getting to blogging about Ginny and Erics visit her. We had SUCH an awesome time. Every other time we've hung out it has been in Auburndale for a few hours and usually their adorable son is with us, which is great but I can not explain how neat it was to have them all to ourselves for 4 days!! We had THE best time together and really enjoyed just getting to hang with each other and relax some.
The first night they came we went to dinner and then came home and chatted.
Friday I worked and Ginny came to work with me and took her very first Pure Barre Class. She was SUCH a champ and did SO well! I was secretly hoping she'd be obsessed so that she'd start a Pure Barre somewhere around Auburndale ;)
Chris took Eric to school with him, so Eric got to learn lots about teeth :)
That afternoon we went to the Saint James Art Fair. We walked around and looked at all the cool art, ate homemade kettle corn, and drank some beers! It was neat for us all to see Old Louisville too. It is gorgeous over there!
In front of the St James Fountain |
The next day we went to parts of the Bourbon Trail. We went to Heavens Hill and Makers Mark. I had been told that Makes was gorgeous but we had more fun then we thought! Makers was gorgeous and the tour was so much fun. We saw all the different stages of production, and tasted different Bourbons. I'm not a bourbon lover I discovered.
At the Makers Mark Tasting |
Chris and I @ Makers |
Ginny and I in front of the Whisky Creek @ Makers Mark |
After we went into a cute local town, Bardstown and had dinner at Mama's Diner. The restaurant got really good reviews and just had good southern cooking. We were starving so the burgers and meatloaf we ordered hit the spot. After dinner we walked around their cute downtown a bit but it was freezing so we drove back to Louisville. We stopped at Vint to get a caffeine boost. They were having a poetry reading when we walked in! So Louisville-ish and I'm glad Eric and Ginny were there to witness it! That night we wanted to go out, but as a whole, staying in and hanging in our PJ's.
Sunday we went to church and then went to Toast for brunch. So yummy!
We had so much fun spending good quality time with them. It's such a bummer that we don't live closer... Eric and Ginny would be such fun people to live life with! We're so blessed to have family that are very like minded and fun to be with!
We're counting down the days until Christmas when we see them in Auburndale!