The 14 hour drive from Auburndale. Fl to Louisville. Ky has been made! We arrived in Louisville this morning. Can't wait to post all of the pics from this short but wonderful glimpse into where my next 4 years will be spent! We went to our new apartment complex first. We are at buildings right next door to each other! Absolutely perfect.. We then went on to lunch and hanging out downtown and then finished up visiting our *schools* for next year and walking along the Ohio River.
Meeting the people I'll be working with next year was such a blessing. I feel so much more at ease starting in a month now that I know a few friendly faces in my department. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, watch out!
Once again, I have just had a blast with Chris. He has done such a good job of picking a cool place for him to go to dental school, me to start grad school, and for us to begin this next chapter of our lives. I'm so excited to move here and begin the fun. I'll post pics when I get back tomorrow...